It’s not always easy to put into words how much we appreciate our dads, happy Father’s day messages are a great way to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation. This Father’s Day (Sunday, June 18, 2023), we’ve got you covered if you’re at a loss for what to write in Dad’s card. Oh Canvas has put together a collection of inspiring Father’s Day quotes that are guaranteed to make your dad feel loved and appreciated, whether you’re seeking for the ideal words to write in a card, a meaningful message for a social media post, or a moving sentiment to include in a present.
Now is the time to tell them how much they mean to us and how much they have influenced and improved our lives.
Father’s Day Card Messages

Short Happy Father’s Day Messages & Wishes
Simple, direct expressions of your affection are sure to touch Dad’s heart. Here is a compilation of short sentiments of thankfulness that you can send to your father to show him how much he means to you. These sayings are perfect for including in the best Father’s day gifts or using as Instagram posts.
“Thank you for being the glue that holds our family together.”
“Today and every day, I appreciate everything you do for our family.”
“I’m so proud to call you my father.”
“Who needs superheroes when the world has dads like you?”
“Anyone can be a father, but it takes a special man to be a dad.”
“I love you to the moon and back”.
“No matter how old I get, I’ll never stop needing my dad.”
“I need more than one day to celebrate just how special you are.”
“I should tell you this more often, but I love you. Enjoy your special day!”
“To my dad, the man who moves fire and earth for his family. ”
“Dad, even when you aren’t there, I feel you in the world all around me. ”
“Today’s your day, Dad. Enjoy it, and know how loved you are! ”
“Thank you for giving me so many of my favorite memories. ”
Funny Father’s Day Quotes
Dads who are humorous and unique will enjoy receiving funny cards and gifts on Father’s Day. Use one of the hilarious sayings here as the basis for the funny Father’s Day card messages. The father-child dynamic is lampooned in these sayings, which also praised the triumphs and tribulations of fatherhood.

“Happy Great-Excuse-to-Go-Golfing Day! ”
“Dad, I love how we don’t even have to say out loud that I’m your favorite. ”
“Today’s about you, Dad! I hope you savor every moment of it. Because tomorrow, it’s back to being all about us—your kids. ”
“I’m sorry if I’ve driven you a little crazy over the years. Okay, a lot crazy. It’s just because I love you. ”
“The most important life lesson I’ve learned: When all else fails, call Dad. ”
“The man, the myth, the legend. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! ”
“It turns out you were right about everything, Dad. Happy Father’s Day! ”
“I love you, Dad—even if I never accept your friend request”
“You’re the best dad ever. I mean, just look at how I turned out! ”
“I know raising me took patience… to say the least. Thank you for all of yours! ”
“Happy Father’s Day to the raddest, most tubular, least square, grooviest, ummm hippest… Hey Dad, Are any of these from your generation? Great fathers are timeless! ”
“Wish I could be there to hang out with you on Father’s Day. But, on the bright side, I guess you finally get some peace and quiet! Miss you and love you, Dad. ”
Famous Happy Father’s Day Quotes
Our fathers will forever remain our role heroes. Send him one of these heartfelt and motivational happy Father’s day messages to tell him how much you appreciate him. On Father’s Day, families and friends gather to honour the many father figures in their lives. Show dads how much they mean to you by giving thoughtful gifts engraved with inspirational happy Father’s Day quotes.

“No one in this world can love a girl more than her father.” —Michael Ratnadeepak
“It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was.” —Anne Sexton
“My father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future.” —Liza Minnelli
“No man I ever met was my father’s equal, and I never loved any other man as much.” —Hedy Lamarr
“My father didn’t do anything unusual. He only did what dads are supposed to do—be there.” —Max Lucado
“The older I get, the smarter my father seems to get.” —Tim Russert
“My dad has always taught me these words: care and share.” —Tiger Woods
“Any fool can have a child. That doesn’t make a father. It’s the courage to raise a child that makes you a father.” —Barack Obama
“Life doesn’t come with an instruction book — that’s why we have fathers.” —H. Jackson Browne
“A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely. In the hour of need, when all else fails, we remember him upon whose knees we sat when children, and who soothed our sorrows; and even though he may be unable to assist us, his mere presence serves to comfort and strengthen us.” —Émile Gaboriau
“When you need real understanding, when you need someone to care, when you need someone to guide you … A father’s always there.” —Thomas J. Langley
“What a father says to his children is not heard by the world, but it will be heard by posterity.” —Jean Paul
“There will always be a few people who have the courage to love what is untamed inside us. One of those men is my father.” —Alison Lohman
“Every son quotes his father, in words and in deeds.” —Terri Guillemets
Heartfelt & Inspirational Happy Father’s Day Messages
Happy Father’s Day Quotes To Husband
Use one of these moving quotes to express to your spouse how much you appreciate the affection he has shown you and your children. You can use these as happy Father’s day wishes to include in the gifts for husband, thanking them for everything they do for your family, conveying your gratitude, and praising them for being such an incredible father!

“The greatest thing a father can do for his children is love their mother.” —Anjaneth Garcia Untalan
“A happy family is a reflection of a good father and a loving husband.” —Unknown
“The thrill of being a great father is not seeing your children go on to become successful adults. The thrill of a great father is the journey, experiencing your child’s successes along the pathway to their greatness.” —Reed Markham
“On this Father’s Day, I’m loving you even more than I usually do. Have a wonderful day. ”
“I’m thinking of everything you’ve done for our family today, and I’m feeling so, so thankful. ”
“A man’s worth is measured by how he parents his children. What he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own.” —Lisa Rogers
“Nothing has brought me more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father.” —Frank Abagnale
“The reward of child rearing is spending the rest of your life proudly knowing this person you helped guide.” —Mike Sager
“I’m so proud of the father you’ve become. I couldn’t have asked for more. ”
“You’re an incredible dad every day of the year, but I’m glad we can set aside today to celebrate you. Cheers to you. ”
“A man never stands as tall as when he kneels to help a child.” —Knights of Pythagoras
“Great fathers don’t find fault. Great fathers find solutions.” —Reed Markham
“A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty.” —Unknown
“There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years, it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.” —John Gregory Brown
“I’m so thankful to be able to share this journey of parenthood with you. Happy Father’s Day! ”
Happy Father’s Day Messages For Your Grandfather
Our grandfathers are always available to impart their experience, knowledge, and a sense of fun and adventure to us. You can show your appreciation to your grandfather for all of the happiness that he has brought into your life over the years by using one of the happy Father’s Day quotes that are included below. Don’t forget to show grandpa how much love and appreciation you have for him by giving him a personalized Father’s day gift for grandpa.

“One of the most powerful handclasps is that of a new grandbaby around the finger of a grandfather.” —Joy Hargrove
“Grandpas bring a little wisdom, happiness, warmth and love to every life they touch.” —Unknown
“Grandfathers are for loving and fixing things.” —Unknown
“A grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart.” —Unknown
“The best dads get promoted to grandpa.” —Unknown
“To a small child, the perfect granddad is unafraid of big dogs and fierce storms, but absolutely terrified of the word boo.” —Robert Brault
“We never know the love of a parent till we become parents ourselves.” —Henry Ward Beecher
“Sending you even more love than usual on this Father’s Day. Have a wonderful one, Grandpa!”
“You’ve been a remarkable role model for us all. Thank you for everything, Grandpa.”
“For everything you’ve done for me and all the love you share, I’m thankful. Happy Father’s Day, Grandpa!”
“It’s grand to have someone like you in our family! Happy Father’s Day, Grandad!”
“Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father.” —Lydia Maria Child
“My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: he believed in me.” —Jim Valvano
“When you teach your son, you teach your son’s son.” —The Talmud
“Sometimes the poorest man leaves his children the richest inheritance.” —Ruth E. Renkel
Happy Father’s Day Wishes For New Dads
The first Father’s Day for a new father is a memorable and significant event. To acknowledge the new position he has taken on in life, here are some brief and heartfelt happy Father’s Day messages that you may write in a card or send via gifts to the new father.

“Happy first Father’s Day to the newest superhero in town! You’re doing an amazing job.”
“You’ve become a father, and with that comes a new kind of love. Happy Father’s Day to the most loving dad. ”
“Your little one has changed your world, and you’re changing theirs. Happy Father’s Day to the most dedicated dad. ”
“Being a dad is a journey, and you’re off to a great start. Happy Father’s Day to the most adventurous dad. ”
“Your love and care for your baby is inspiring. Happy Father’s Day to the most loving and nurturing dad. ”
“You must be one proud papa. ”
“Seeing you as a dad brings out a whole new side of you. ”
“Your baby is off to a great start with a wonderful dad like you. ”
“Hope your day and your heart are full of love. ”
“Your baby is little but you share a big love. ”
Happy Father’s Day Messages For Your Father-In-Law
Do you get along well with your in-laws? This Father’s Day, be sure to express your gratitude to him for all he has done for you and your family. On this day, if you want to convey to your father how much he means to you and the rest of your family, short and happy Father’s day wishes written in a card with a special gift for father-in-law is the ideal way to do it.

“For welcoming me into your family, for loving me like one of your own, for everything you do for us—thank you, with all my heart.”
“You’ve always made that little extra effort to get to know me, and it means more to me than I can say. ”
“I know I’ll never be as good at BBQ as you are. But I also know you’ll always share grill secrets with me anyway. Thanks for that. ”
“Happy Father’s Day to the person who raised my person. I’m so grateful for you. ”
“You don’t have to cheer me on or help me out, but you do it anyway. Thanks for always asking and always listening. ”
“Happy Father’s Day to the best father-in-law ever. You make me feel like part of the family. ”
“Thank you for being an amazing grandfather to our children. Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful dad and granddad. ”
“Happy Father’s Day to the man who has become a father figure to me. I feel lucky to have you in my life. ”
“Your wisdom and guidance have helped shape our family. Happy Father’s Day to the most respected father-in-law. ”
“Thank you for being a wonderful role model to our children. Happy Father’s Day to the best granddad and father-in-law. ”
“Happy Father’s Day to the man we thank God for every day. Your presence in our lives is a true blessing. ”
Happy Father’s Day Quotes For Uncle
What better day than Father’s Day to express our gratitude to uncles, who often serve as a surrogate father figure? Since he invests so much into seeing that you thrive and develop, it’s only fair that you reward him for his efforts. Give the best Father’s Day gifts for uncle ever with one of the sweet messages provided below.

“Happy Father’s Day to the dad-to-be! Your child is lucky to have a future dad as amazing as you. ”
“Your patience and resourcefulness will make you an incredible dad. Happy Father’s Day to the best dad-to-be. ”
“Parenthood can be tough, but you’ve got this. Happy Father’s Day to the most capable dad-to-be. ”
“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.” —Antoine François Prévost
“You don’t choose your family. They are God’s gift to you.” —Desmond Tutu
“An amazing uncle is like a glass of refreshing lemonade in the hot summer of life.” —Unknown
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” —Anthony Brandt
“Good fathers do three things: they provide, they nurture and they guide.” —Roland Warren
“It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons.” —Johann Schiller
“Only the best brothers get promoted to an uncle.” —Unknown
“Your child will be blessed with a smart and loving dad. Happy Father’s Day to the dad-to-be with a heart of gold. ”
“You are about to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. Happy Father’s Day to the dad-to-be who is ready for anything. ”
“Your child will learn from you what it means to be a true gentleman. Happy Father’s Day to the most chivalrous dad-to-be.”
Happy Father’s Day Messages For Stepdads
At various points in our lives, men who take on the role of stepfather become the new father figures in our lives. These happy Father’s day messages for stepdad will mean a great deal to these fathers, particularly if they have a close relationship with you or if they do not have their own biological children. You might send them with a lovely and meaningful Father’s day gift for stepdad to make it more special.

“Happy Father’s Day! Thank you for being one of the most important influences in my life. You may not be my dad by blood, but you are in every other way.”
“I’m so proud that I’ve become your child and that I can honor two brilliant men on Father’s Day. How lucky am I to have two fathers, twice the love, and two families to belong to!? ”
“Happy Step-Father’s Day! You have been like a father to me for all these years. Thank you for all the love, guidance, and support.”
“Thank you so much for everything that you have done for me. You are a wonderful stepfather who has made such a positive difference in our family. ”
“Happy Father’s Day to my stepfather. I’m so grateful to have you in my life as a mentor. I am grateful to you for guiding me in life to reach for my full potential. ”
“Stepping into my life and being a stepdad has been such a journey, hasn’t it! I hope that you have loved the ride as much as I have. Happy Father’s Day to you! ”
In need of more inspiration?
- 30 Amazing Ideas For Father’s Day Gift For Boyfriend In 2023
- 35 Cool Ideas For Father’s Day Gift For Brother That He’ll Love
- 45 Thoughtful Father’s Day Gift Under $50 In 2023
We hope you found the perfect Happy Father’s Day messages or wishes among our favourites, and that you have a wonderful day celebrating your dad! If you want your Father’s Day letter to stand out this year, consider getting creative and giving perfect DIY Father’s Day gifts or personalized Father’s Day gifts. Sending a card or present to Dad on Father’s Day is a great opportunity to express your heartfelt appreciation for all he has done for you throughout the year.